people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime

Life Happens!

Real Estate decisions are motivated by many factors, there are positive motivations such as a growing family, seeking your dream home or planning your retirement destination. On the other side you could be facing a challenging life situation such as financial stresses, caregiving issues, health and age-related concerns.

Regardless of the motivation, it's crucial to clearly define your housing goals, develop a realistic plan to achieve those goals and consider both short-term needs and long-term implications

When life happens let my 40 years of real estate experience and my Housing- TLC planning program guide you to your desired goals.


Housing Transition and Lifestyle Consulting

man writing on paper
man writing on paper

Michael Wright realized early in his real estate career that a written real estate plan is invaluable, regardless of your life situation. Real estate decisions often intertwined with major life transitions; these transitions can feel overwhelming that is why the Housing TLC program was created. The program breaks down the decision-making process into a manageable structured plan.

Why Create a Real Estate Plan?

MacBook Pro near white open book
MacBook Pro near white open book

With your home and other real estate assets being a substantial part of your financial holdings, a real estate plan should be part of your business, retirement and estate planning discussions. Just as a business plan serves as a roadmap for a company's success, and an estate plan ensures proper management and distribution of assets, a real estate plan provides direction and clarity for significant property decisions.

How can Housing - TLC Help?

By following this structured approach, individuals can make more informed decisions, reduce stress associated with real estate transactions, and ensure their housing choices align with their broader life goals and circumstances.

How it Works

The "Housing - Transition and Lifestyle Consulting" program recognizes the complexity of real estate decisions and breaks the process into three key components:

white and black wooden quote board
white and black wooden quote board
Defining your real estate motivation:

This step involves identifying the factors driving your real estate decisions. These motivations can be positive, such as needing a larger home for a growing family or seeking a dream retirement location. They can also stem from challenging life situations like financial stress, caregiving responsibilities, or health concerns. Understanding your motivation is crucial as it forms the foundation of your real estate plan.

brown wooden blocks on white surface
brown wooden blocks on white surface
Creating a real estate plan:

Once you've identified your motivation, the next step is to develop a comprehensive plan. This plan includes:

  • Clear housing goals aligned with your motivation

  • An analysis of your current housing situation from a lifestyle, financial, safety and socialization aspect

  • Strategies to achieve these objectives including input from other professionals

  • Budgeting and financial planning

  • Identification of necessary systems, tools, and resources

a man sitting at a table using a laptop computer
a man sitting at a table using a laptop computer

My 40 years of experience can provide you with:

  • Insight into market trends

  • Strategies for navigating complex situations

  • Emotional support during potentially stressful transitions

  • Access to a network of professionals

And most important the actual buying and selling process:

Frequently asked questions

1. We would like a plan, but we are not thinking of moving.

The Housing – TLC program is designed as a planning tool which is updated annually. Many create a plan and don’t implement for several years

4. How long does the planning program take

The initial interview is usually an hour, and the follow up is scheduled for an hour

2. How much does it cost?

There is no cost for the planning service it is just part of the service I provide

5. My Realtor has a Seniors Real Estate Designation

I did not take this program I did work on the designing of parts of the original Seniors Real Estate Designation. I also created an older adult real estate program for a national real estate firm and taught it to 1000’s across the country. I have taught the Housing – TLC program to Realtors through real estate boards across the province.

3. I have a Realtor

If you are comfortable with your realtor and the services they offer please go with them. There is an old saying in the real estate business “You don’t owe your past realtor anything and you don’t owe the realtors you are interviewing anything, but you owe yourself the very best”.

6. I saw some of your videos, do you speak to groups?

I speak quite often to groups about creating a real estate plan. The talk is usually geared to older audiences.

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